The Source: Who is the Greatest Band of All Time???

Friday, January 28, 2011

Who is the Greatest Band of All Time???

Over 300 Million Albums Sold…
3 Diamond albums…
All of their Albums (9) went Platinum…
6 #1 Albums in the U.S…
4 Grammy Awards…
A band connected with mystery, sex, drugs, and unprecedented talent Led Zeppelin paved the way for all rock bands that came after them. The flashy rockers encompassed piercing vocal hooks, intelligent lyrics, legendary guitar riffs, and a rhythm section that has never been matched.

Over 1 Billion Albums Sold…
3 Diamond Albums…
17 Platinum Albums…
14 #1 Albums in the U.S…
13 Grammy Awards…
Nearly inventing all genres of music The Beatles were the biggest pop sensation the world has ever seen and probably ever will see. Beatlemania peaked in the 60s with controversial style, perfectly arranged megahits, cultural innuendos, and the ability to impress the world through any and all musical perspectives. Let’s face it…girls are still in tears when they hear The Beatles.

Over 250 Million Albums Sold…
18 Platinum Albums…
9 #1 Albums in the U.S…
3 Grammy Awards…
Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones defined sexy, and with catchy tunes at their side, they were unstoppable. Actually the word “were” is incorrect; these badasses are still touring today! The Stones roll out hit after hit and could sell out any arena in the world with their undeniable swagger and song quality.

Over 200 Million Albums Sold…
2 Diamond Albums…
9 Platinum Albums…
4 #1 Albums in the U.S…
3 Grammy Awards…
Pink Floyd introduced the world to “art rock” and the idea that music is more than an arrangement of notes, but rather a party for all 5 senses to indulge in. Concept albums complimented by some of the most stunning live shows of all time make Pink Floyd the legends they are. So take a tab of acid and try not to get lost in The Dark Side of the Moon because when the Floyd is on….you’re out!

Over 120 Million Albums Sold…
1 Diamond Album…
All of their Albums (7) went Platinum…
4 #1 Albums in the U.S…
6 Grammy Awards…
With possibly some of the catchiest songs in history The Eagles will have you pleading again and again to “Turn it Up!” Maybe we allured by the californiacation The Eagles project but it’s true that in their time to shine, they shined brighter than most bands ever have the chance to.

Over 100 Million Albums Sold…
1 Diamond Album…
All of their Albums (9) went Platinum…
4 #1 Albums in the U.S…
9 Grammy Awards…
Heavy Metal survived the 80s because of 1 band, Metallica!!! Too hardcore for the glam rock pussies of generation X, Metallica was a late bloomer that has not only revived metal, but reinvented it. Face melting guitar solos, great lyrical hooks, and a power that kicks you right in the balls….Metallica is legendary.

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