The Source: SQS: Neil Young's New Music Listening System is Making Waves

Friday, August 5, 2011

SQS: Neil Young's New Music Listening System is Making Waves


What does it mean? 
Is that an acronym? 
Is this digital? 
When is it coming out? 
What's better than vinyl? 
How old is Neil Young? 
Wait, who is Neil Young? 
Can I just listen to my iPod instead?
Is this a Justin Bieber collaboration?

Depending on your age and your level of intelligence you may be asking yourself a few of the above questions. And quite frankly, we all have questions about this "SQS" project because it's relatively secret and the details of the device (if it even is a device) are unknown to most.

What we do know is that Neil Young is creating a 'music listening device' that is supposed to put out incredible sound quality as well as integrating this into the music world we've come to enjoy such as downloading content, web access, etc. 

Some Tweety Tweets about it:

Just an FYI, the original tweet that broke this story is pictured above. Mr. Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers mentioned it once and people are already going nuts with curiosity.

So keep your eyes and ears open for more info about this and hit me up on the comments or Facebook....let's break the news right here on The Source!!!

P.S. Neil Young is a LEGEND

(If you don't know....research his work on the internet so you don't look like a fool haha)

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